Apr 27, 2010

Unconventional Builder Creates Beach Bungalow Gem

What started out as a typical Point Pleasant Beach bungalow has turned into one the town’s beachfront gems. Builder Gerard Tria of Point Pleasant Beach and architect Derk Garlick of Union City were tasked to convert a vacation bungalow into the home-owner’s full-time residence. Now, this three-story, ocean-view home utilizes some of the most advanced heating and cooling technologies, staying green along the way.

At fist glance, the modern home boasts slate stone work, a curved roof line and stucco siding. Continuing in a striking visual appearance, the windows and balcony maximize natural lighting. The dual-serving balcony also lets homeowners welcome guests while providing the much-needed aerial navigation for parking on the narrow streets.

Heating Things Up

Tria, a self proclaimed unconventional builder, opts to use advanced technologies like radiant floor heating to foster a quality of life for his clients. “This green option not only keeps the heating costs down but also keeps the home at a comfortable temperature,” notes Tria. “I recommend it to my clients for the comfort level; it warms a home much differently than forced-hot air. Heating the house itself, versus the air, much like the way a fireplace heats a room, makes for a much more comfortable living environment.”

To cool the house in the summer, Tria choose two energy saving options. First was to paint the fiberglass roof white to reduce solar gain and the second was to install a wall-mounted Daikin air-conditioning system. “The benefit is that each room has individual zones, satisfying all comfort levels,” comments Tria. “The system is super efficient and only produces as much cooling as is needed, its a very smart technology.”

All these energy saving techniques have added up to big savings for the homeowner. The utility bills for this 2000 square foot house average less than $100 per month.

See for Miles

The crowning glory of the home is the rooftop deck, which provides day-time views of the beach and night-time firework displays. The new living space not only improves the quality of life for the homeowners, but also impacts the dollar value of the residence.

Tria estimates that the building investment has yielded a 50% return, nearly doubling the homes property value. The owners don’t plan to sell any time soon, however they’re pleased to know their money is well invested.


For more information about Tria Builders, call 908.278.6846 or send email to gtria1@verizon.net.