Nov 29, 2011

The 1940’s Radio Hour at Algonquin Theatre

Algonquin Arts Theatre in Manasquan presents The 1940’s Radio Hour, playing from December 1st until the 4th.

The 1940’s Radio Hour by Walton Jones is full of 1940’s music, dancing and old-time sound effects. The play portrays the final holiday broadcast of the Mutual Manhattan Variety Cavalcade on the New York radio station WOV in December 1942. This show, directed by Broadway and former Paper Mill director, Robert Johanson, will feature a live big band and include such songs as Love is Here to StayThat Old Black MagicBoogie Woggie Bugle Boy, and more!

Buy your tickets online now – they’re going fast! Tickets are $27 for adults ($25 for seniors).