Jul 14, 2011

Spotlight on Arist Stephen Govel

Jersey Shore Style is shining the spotlight on the awe-inspiring photography of Stephen

by Stephen Govel

Govel. Govel first found himself interested in photography when he was studying abroad in Australia, where he fell in love with the landscapes. After graduation, he began to pursue photography more deeply – making professional contacts and learning the technical side of the art.  Govel says that his “people skills, a passion for travel and learning, investment in professional equipment, and a creative eye” were all components of turning his passion into a “dream career.”

Govel specializes in landscapes – he’s taken pictures of everywhere from Manasquan to Tasmania. He also works with high-end builders and architects. His photographs are used as promotion for them, and as a “nice gift to the homeowners after a completed job. Their home is seen as a work of art through photography, and many people are proud of that.”

For Govel, photography is about capturing light at just the right moment. “Seeing light or a particular scene is one thing, but seeing it different than everyone else is how I try and stand out,” he explains. He doesn’t manipulate his photos with Photoshop or other image-editing software, preferring to use his camera and his knowledge of photography to get the image he desires.

Currently, some of Govel’s work is on display at the Weston Gallery in Manasquan; a large majority, however, is on his website. Govel also specializes in wedding and occasion photography. You can contact him through his website or blog.

Shrimp Box at sunset

a storm gathering

lightning in Manasquan