Jul 6, 2011

Secrets to the Best Summer Ever

Patti Durkin, from local spa Therapeutic Touch in Bay Head, shares with with Jersey Shore Style her secret to using our senses to make this summer the best one ever. Here’s a hint: it’s all about using your senses.

See summer. Mother Nature is BURSTING all around us with electrifying color and beauty.

Smell summer. Fresh cut grass, honeysuckle, lilac, ocean salt air, summer rain, and, of course, BBQ’s. Talk about sensory experience… it’s natural aromatherapy!

Taste summer. Watermelon, Jersey tomatoes, corn and all the yummy fruits and veggies. Don’t forget those tropical blender smoothies and drinks. Make it a regular treat after the beach every Sunday!

Hear summer. It’s great to have our windows open this time of year. Listen to the birds singing, children laughing and playing, ice cream truck bells, thunderstorms and lawn mowers. And if you’re lucky to be near the beach, there is nothing like the ocean waves – guaranteed to have a positive effect on you!

Remember: Summer is a shift in our mindset. Summer is about slowing down and having fun! It’s time to schedule more “want to’s” and less “have to’s.”

Durkin’s prescription for summer is “to get outside more, slow down and enjoy nature, play with your friends, go barefoot and last but not least… enjoy an ice cream cone every now and then!”

Therapeutic Touch is a spa and center for wellness located at 58 Bridge Avenue in Bay Head. This month on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, $10-a-session beach yoga is in session! Also, save 10% on Dr. Hauschka natural skin care products and cosmetics with a facial! For more information, visit Therapeutic Touch’s website.