Feb 7, 2018

Hidden Treasures, Bargain Prices

Sometimes, when you go off the beaten path, you’ll find hidden treasures.

Recently, our staff decided to try our hand at estate sale shopping at a home in Spring Lake. The event was hosted by Jennifer Wyckoff, owner of Decorate On A Dime in Sea Girt and Point Pleasant.

It was a great experience on its own, but we were also intrigued by what the store had to offer.

Days later, we visited the Sea Girt store (900 Fifth Avenue) and were nothing less than delighted. If we hadn’t known it was there, we would have missed it, despite it being just off the main strip on Sea Girt Avenue.

“I happened to drop my son off at a birthday party in the neighborhood and saw the building for sale,” said Wyckoff, “And I thought, ‘that would be a great place for an antiques store!’”

Decorate on a Dime, converted from a small summer home, is actually deceivingly large on the inside. Every room is chock-full of furniture, knick-knacks and other home décor for every style and taste.

When the doors opened four years ago, Wyckoff never intended to get into estate sales. The path just opened up for her.

“All of a sudden, I had people reaching out to me telling me they wanted me to take everything from their house. I just didn’t have the room for that so, I ended up expanding the business into estate sales,” said Wyckoff.

Decorate On A Dime’s younger, but larger sister in Point Pleasant (1000 Trenton Avenue) was equally delightful, employing Wyckoff’s decorative eye and use of space to highlight her finds.

There’s something there for everyone – antiques that she’s found on her various treasure hunts, furniture and home décor that she consigns for clients, and items from her estate sales. Our eyes were immediately drawn to an old barn door resting against the wall behind the counter, a Christmas tree that Wyckoff fashioned out of a wine rack and some garland, and curtains hung by antique oars.

We left the conversation with new vision for redecorating our own homes, knowing we’d be getting a great deal and great service whether we were visiting Decorate On A Dime to buy something in the store, hiring the team to redecorate a room in the house, or holding our own estate sales.

  1. Visit DecorateOnADime.net/estatesales or look for her listings on social media and in the local papers (Asbury Park Press, The Coast Star, Star Ledger) to find upcoming events

  2. Go early! Go at 8:00am to get your number. Sales start at 9:00am.

  3. Second day sales usually allow you to buy at a discount – but if there’s a particular item you’re interested in, day two may be too late!

  4. Let’s make a deal! Wyckoff prides herself on being fair, so come ready to negotiate. And remember, the more items you buy, the more Wyckoff and her team will negotiate.

  5. And most importantly, bring cash. Estate sales are cash-only.

Interested in holding an estate sale or having Decorate On A Dime consign your wares?

  1. Call the store at 908-380-3340.

  2. Photograph your items (good condition only) or arrange a personal visit.

  3. Wyckoff will take it from there! She’ll do her research and set everything up to ensure a successful sale.

  4. By the way, most people have 25 years’ worth of stuff in their homes. Estate sales are a great way to downsize – no money out of pocket and cheaper than hiring a removal company.

Interested in buying?

  1. Visit DecorateOnADime.net to see Wyckoff’s “fabulous finds” of the week.

  2. Visit the Sea Girt or Point Pleasant location.

  3. Looking to redecorate without spending a fortune? Wyckoff will make recommendations (and even find items for you), based on the character of your room.

Article contributed by Beth Tancredi