Feb 7, 2012

Gimme 5 Takes Your #5s

Gimme 5 is helping to keep plastics out of the landfills by accepting what most town

recycling centers don’t: #5 plastics. Gimme 5 is helping to keep plastics out of the landfills by accepting what most town recycling centers don’t: #5 plastics. #5 plastics are more common than you think, and thanks to the Gimme 5 program, they’re finding a new life.

This particular plastic is used for many common items such as yogurt, syrup, ketchup, various medicine bottles, and even things like car signal lights, battery cables, and bike locks. #5 plastic (or polypropylene) requires a very high melting point and costs too much money to easily recycle.The Preserve Gimme 5 project is giving these plastics a second chance.

Companies like Tom’s of Maine strongly encourages all of its consumers to drop plastic deodorant containers in the Gimme 5 bins at participating locations, including its new Naturally Dry Antiperspirant line, which is 100% recyclable from canister to cap.

Currently, Gimme 5 bins can be found in Whole Foods stores, but they are expanding — so make sure to check back at the website. You can also mail in your #5s if you don’t live close to a drop-off site!

For more information on the program, check out their website.
